Cleanse Day Activities Checklist

February 6, 2018 / The Six Pack Ab Strategy
Cleanse Day Activities Checklist

Cleanse Day Activities Checklist

When you’re ready to start the cleansing process, Make sure you’ve completed your cleanse day activities checklist. Make sure you’ve done your grocery shopping and planned your meals for the next 7 days. On the first day of cleansing, set an alarm with the title “start cleanse” so you start your day cleansing. Remember to drink a glass of water shortly after you wake up. Also, remember to drink organic apple cider vinegar and water before you eat. Just add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a large glass of water and drink it. Wait at least 15 minutes before eating. Then just eat what you’ve planned to eat for the day, while avoiding or substituting the foods on the hit list.

Below is an infographic of the checklist. Click here to download or print your full size copy of the checklist!