January 2018 // Archive

Date based archive
20 Jan

So you’ve set Your goal and made a concrete decision to stick to it. You’ve stared yourself straight in the eye and vowed to accomplish your weight loss goals once and for all. Now what? How many days should you workout each week? What workout should you do each day? How much should you eat? This is the point where I found it useful to grab a pen and paper and write out a structured daily plan to avoid having to figure out what to do each day. I didn’t have to spend time every single day figuring out what to do. I could just look at my calendar, and do exactly what I needed to do!

This simple weight loss calendar made it easier for me to stay on track during my quest to lose belly fat. I printed it out and posted it on my room wall. Then I just looked at it every day and followed it! Granted I missed things sometimes, but, the fact that I had this handy tool made it easier to make the right weight loss activities become habits that eventually became a part of my regular daily life.

I’ve included my daily calendar here to help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. By following this simple weight loss calendar, you can start losing weight right away. Just start following this calendar and you will lose weight. The meal plans mentioned in the calendar include three meals a day, and three healthy snacks.

Click here to get the recipes

17 Jan

Cardio exercises are any exercises that raise your heart rate, such as swimming, bicycling, jogging, jumping rope, doing jumping jacks, walking, riding an elliptical bike, even taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator will raise you heart rate and help you lose body fat.

However, each ab seeker will have different favorite cardio exercises. Stick to your favorites, and it will be easier to stick to your workout plan. Remember do what works for you. The key is consistency!

Some other excellent cardio exercises are high intensity interval training, circuit training, cross-country skiing, kickboxing, using gym style rowing machines, hiking, indoor rowing, using a treadmill, and step aerobics. Also, remember that some normal activates are actually cardio because they get your body moving and raise your heart rate. If you play your favorite music while you’re doing these activities you’ll burn even more calories without even thinking about it, because you’ll be having fun. Some great examples are dancing, household chores like sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, rearranging furniture or cleaning out the attic or garage, skating/rollerblading, walking your dog, enjoying outdoor activities with family, playing games and sports with your kids, competing in an awesome game of just dance with friends, or just watching workout videos and following along. There are endless ways to move your body, which is essentially all cardio really is. Find what you have fun doing and get moving. A very simple cardio regimen could be just starting a power-walking regimen, which is just walking at a brisk pace. I started with short 10-minute walks, 5 minutes in one direction and 5 minutes back to my starting destination. I gradually worked my way up to 30-minute walks, 15 minutes in one direction and 15 minutes back to my starting destination. Then I bought a sweet bike, and started a bike-riding regimen. I did this in addition to my workout. The weight loss calendar below details all of my daily activities to help you get started.