Six-Pack Ab Strategy Workouts and Cardio

To help you accomplish your weight loss goals

Six-Pack Ab Strategy Workouts and Cardio


I’ll share my actual workout routine with you so you can start working toward your weight loss goals. In my routine, I chose to do cardio first to get my heart rate up, then do my ab exercises to target my abs specifically. This is a proven way to target abs for weight loss. When exercising randomly, it’s hard to know exactly where you’ll lose weight unless you target specific areas of your body.  As time passes you will be able to create your own workout routine that works best for your body and fits your workout style. Good luck!

Day 1: Ab exercises

Do your Choice of Cardio, then as many of the following ab exercises as you can.

Crunches: 10 Repetitions

Bicycle Crunches: 10 Repetitions

Crunches with feet in chair position: 10 Reps

Twisting Crunches: 10 Reps

Reverse crunches: 10 Reps

Planks: 10 Reps (Hold each plank for 10 seconds each)

Knee Drops: 10 Reps

Day 2: Cardio: Rest Abs

Do your Choice of Cardio or try this

Day 3: Ab exercises

Do your Choice of Cardio

Crunches: 10 Repetitions

Bicycle Crunches: 10 Repetitions

Crunches with feet in chair position: 10 Reps

Twisting Crunches: 10 Reps

Reverse crunches: 10 Reps

Planks: 10 Reps (Hold each plank for 10 seconds each)

Knee Drops: 10 Reps

Day 4: Cardio: Rest abs

Do your Choice of Cardio or try this

Day 5: Ab exercises

Do your Choice of Cardio

Crunches: 10 Repetitions

Bicycle Crunches: 10 Repetitions

Crunches with feet in chair position: 10 Reps

Twisting Crunches: 10 Reps

Reverse crunches: 10 Reps

Planks: Hold each plank as long as you can.

Knee Drops: 10 Reps

Day 6: Cardio: Rest abs

Do your Choice of Cardio or try this:



Day 7: Ab exercises

Do your Choice of Cardio

Crunches: 10 Repetitions

Bicycle Crunches: 10 Repetitions

Crunches with feet in chair position: 10 Reps

Twisting Crunches: 10 Reps

Reverse crunches: 10 Reps

Planks: Hold each plank as long as you can.

Knee Drops: 10 Reps

The seven-day workout above is very easy and will take less than 20 minutes a day.  Simply repeat this workout routine weekly until you feel comfortable enough to create your own workout.